In order to provide its customers with state-of-art solutions, OneSource is an active partner in European research programs such as EUREKA and H2020, as well as in national programs such as Portugal 2020. Take a look at some of the projects we are proud of:
Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Research and innovation in support of the European Green Deal
CODE Europe is a project about empowering citizens to co-create policies with decision makers through Crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is a participatory democracy mechanism that takes advantage of the availability of technological solutions to solicit and analyse “the wisdom of the crowd”. We want to empower citizens by giving them the opportunity to learn from each other, collaborate and participate in the decision-making.
The CODE Europe project is piloting a Crowdsourcing activity in five European countries on the subject of air quality. We have chosen this specific topic because of its transnational nature and the problems associated with it, as it has been estimated to be responsible for more than 400.000 premature deaths each year.
The objective of the Switch2Steel project is to design and produce a platform that supports architecture and engineering offices in calculating and optimizing the cost of industrial and commercial pavilions built using metallic structures, in order to increase the competitiveness of the use of metallic structures in this type of buildings.
Website: Técnica
5G-EPICENTRE is an EU-funded IA project that aims to lower barriers to the adoption of 5G (and, as a result, market entry) for SMEs to carry out rigorous testing of their products and applications for the public security market by offering an open, federated and end-to-end experimentation facility. Over the course of three years, the main objectives include, i) federating several constituent 5G platforms evolved in previous 5G PPP Phase 2 and 3 projects into an advanced and friendly, unique Zero-touch orchestration control; ii) implement a repository of Network Functions (NFs) and applications to meet the requirements for the most common PPDR experimentation environments; and iii) work for the Cloud-native transformation of facilities and NFs in support of transformational technologies. OneSource, which is part of the consortium of 17 partners, will focus on the security and privacy aspects of the 5G-EPICENTRE architecture, as well as on the experimentation and validation of the resulting system with its Mobitrust Situational Awareness platform.
The CHARITY EU-funded H2020 project aspires to leverage the benefits of intelligent, autonomous orchestration of cloud, edge, and network resources, to create a symbiotic relationship between low and high latency infrastructures that will facilitate the needs of emerging applications. These intelligence tools, that potentially tackle any kind of highly interactive class of services and applications, will be validated against a wide class of highly anticipated applications characterized by extreme levels of interaction and data exchange between the end users and application components, i.e., AR, VR and Holography applications. OneSource is part of the CHARITY consortium which includes 15 partners from 10 countries, which together bring to the project the full range of expertise to realize its ambitious objectives. OneSource will focus on the security and privacy aspects of CHARITY architecture and lead the integration, showcasing and validation activities.
FUDGE-5G is a H2020 project that aims to devise, assess and demonstrate a conceptually novel and forward-looking cloud-native, unified and secured service-based 5G solution for private networks. It will allow for extreme interoperability and customization for industry verticals among wired and wireless access infrastructure (“all-Ethernet” 5GLAN with 5G-Multicast and 5G-TSN support), eSBA platform, mobile 5GC, service orchestration and vertical applications. The consortium, led by Universitat Politècnica de València, includes high-tech SMEs (Athonet, Cumucore, Fivecomm, one2many, OneSource and UBITECH) as well as industry partners (Interdigital, Thales and Huawei), research institutes (Fraunhofer FOKUS) and mobile network operators (Telenor). OneSource leads the vertical trials and validation Work Package, and it is also responsible for the development of some key vertical platform components.
“5G – Components and Services for 5G Networks” is a large Portuguese project, partially funded by the Compete 2020 and Portugal 2020 frameworks, that aims at researching, developing and testing a set of components and services for future 5G communications networks. In addition to OneSource, the project involves a large consortium of business partners and research labs, including for instance Altice Labs, EFACEC, Altran, Nokia, University of Coimbra and Institute of Telecommunications.
Project ProfileWebsite:
EMPATIA has produced the first ICT platform capable of fully encompassing both the decision-making cycle and the implementation cycle of participatory processes whose integration is the main driver of the self-sustainability process. The project consortium included several academic and industry experts in the field of participatory processes, voting algorithms and ICT, and included several pilots across Europe, directly involving tenths of thousands of European citizens. OneSource lead the design and development of the ICT platform which is now being used in dozens of participatory processes.
Mobitrust is an European project in the scope of the EUREKA CATRENE Cluster. The general objective is to develop a complete embedded framework (HW, SW mechanisms and related management, HW/SW forensics tools) aimed at enhancing the security and privacy protection of future mobile platforms. These mechanisms will target primarily new usages of such devices, supporting some major trends in enhanced mobility both in the Consumer/Enterprise (BYOD), Smart-City and Civil Security and Mobile Cloud.
P2020 Mobitrust is a national project which frames and extends the Portuguese participation the Mobitrust CATRENE Project. The general objective is to develop a complete security management framework for future-generation PPDR scenarios, ensuring adequate safety, privacy and resilience support for such demanding environments. Mobitrust is led by OneSource and partially funded by Programa Operational Centro 2020 (grant number 003343).
Project Profile
Project profile:
The SALUS Project has developed advanced Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) communication systems, based on LTE and LTE-Advanced technologies, for future replacement of the current TETRA and TETRAPOL solutions. The project has received the 2016 “International Critical Communications Award” (ICCA), in the “Best Evolution to Future Broadband” category.
OneSource lead the integration and demonstration workpackage. OneSource also contributes with specialized forensics, privacy and security solutions for PPDR.
Mobile Cloud Networking (MCN) is a large Integrated Project, with a total budget over 15 Million Euros, that researches the extension of cloud computing principles to the design and management of mobile network infrastructures, opening the way for future virtualization and dynamic provisioning of spectrum, radio infrastructures and mobile services.
OneSource leads the integration and validation workpackage. It is also responsible for the development of some of the key services and components of the integrated platform.
In the LiveCity Project OneSource has developed the advanced video-to-video communications platform, fully integrated with operator’s resource management frameworks, that is being used in several applications with real users: telemedicine, support of first responder teams, education and remotely provided public services.
CityFlow is a small project strongly focused on evaluating the network signaling technology previously developed by OneSource and another SME, using the OFELIA testbed to emulate large-scale scenarios.
sMeter was a QREN/COMPETE project where OneSource worked with another SME to improve smart metering infrastructures, focusing on more efficient and secure communications, remote management of metering devices and general support for O&M operations.
FI-WARE is the flagship project of the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP), aiming at developing the Core Platform of the Future Internet.
OneSource is mainly involved in the final assessment and improvement of the overall quality, reliability and usability of FIWARE components such as Generic Enablers and FIWARE Lab resources.